Arco Vara founded the construction company Arco Tarc. The [...]
Arco Vara founded the construction company Arco Tarc. The [...]
Constructions begin for Kodulahe Kvartal 4th stage, Padi 3 and [...]
AS Arco Vara is founded by Arti Arakas and the [...]
Arco Vara’s Saare office is founded. This represents an expansion [...]
The Estonian Association of Real Estate Companies is founded, with [...]
The real estate development subsidiary, Arco Investeeringute AS, is founded. [...]
One of the largest real estate development projects in the [...]
Arco Vara begins expansion to other Baltic States. The first [...]
Commencement of a second large-scale residential development project (40 hectares), [...]
Arco Vara Tartu Office acquires the Ristiku shopping centre in [...]